5 Ways to Share the Love without Breaking the Bank

5 Ways to Share the Love without Breaking the Bank

5 Ways to Share the Love without Breaking the Bank

Here comes the first quarter holiday we love to love. Or love to hate, depending on your relationship status. Make Valentine’s Day 2024 suited to your perspective and lifestyle without worrying about how the price tags will affect your banking account. Below are 5 ways to take part that are sure to be fun!

1. Celebrate just before or after February 14th

Avoid the crowds and bumped up holiday prices by living it up with red, white, and pink the weekend before or after the holiday, or even during the week. This time of year, those flower bouquets get a sudden case of inflation more than a carton of eggs in 2023. Take advantage of the ones not picked after the 14th. They will still be lovely and thoughtful a day or two later.

2. No mate? Friends date!

Maybe you’re a dedicated single or just single this year. Whatever the case, pull together your chosen people to celebrate the love of friendship. Even better for your wallet, you only need to pay for yourself. Find your favorite eats and activities and enjoy the day!

3. Fall in love … with nature

Whether the weather is hot, cold, or in between, you can take advantage of all the love while enjoying nature. Find a park, walking trail or nature center with free access. Take a relaxing bike ride or walk around your neighborhood. Lay out a blanket, build a fire, or plan dinner under the stars in your backyard.

4. Game night!

Board games or video games, you choose! This event can be you and your partner, a friends’ night, or even just yourself. Use the games you already have, borrow them, or splurge (within reason) on a new one. Grab the best treats and stay in to win!

5. Self-care

We hear all the time how important self-care is because it’s true. Take this time to show yourself some love. Unplug from social media for the day. Watch your favorite movie. Cook, bake, or order-in your preferred meal, with dessert! Do some journaling, focused breathing, or stretching. Or go out and take yourself on a Valentine’s Day date.

With love!

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to put us into debt or be the make-or-break of our relationships. It can be a fun, loving way to show those around us that we care about them. So, hang with your people, take a walk or play a game, snag some treats, and remember that you’re worth all the love, too.